Monday, 14 July 2008

Week Six


January 18 1933
Board of Control to MCC

Body-line bowling assumed such proportions as to menace best interests of game STOP making protection of body by batsmen the main consideration STOP causing intensely bitter feeling between players as well as injury STOP In our opinion it is unsportsmanlike STOP Unless stopped at once STOP likely to upset friendly relations between Australia and England. STOP

January 23 1933
MCC to Board of Control

We STOP the Marylebone Club STOP deplore your cable message STOP and deprecate the opinion that there has been unsportsmanlike play STOP. We have the fullest confidence in the captain and the team managers. STOP We are convinced that they would do nothing STOP that would infringe the laws of the cricket STOP or the spirit of the game STOP and we have no evidence that our confidence is misplaced. STOP Much as we regret accidents to Woodfull and Oldfield STOP we understand that in neither case was the bowler to blame STOP If the Board wishes to propose a new law, or rule, the proposal shall receive our careful consideration in due course STOP We hope that the situation is not now as serious as your cable message appears to indicate STOP but if is such as would jeopardize the good relations between the English and Australian cricketers STOP and if you could consider it desirable to cancel the remainder of the programme STOP we would consent with great reluctance STOP

January 30 1933
Board of Control to MCC

We STOP the Australian Board of Control STOP appreciate your difficulty in dealing with the matter raised in our cable STOP without having seen the actual play STOP We unanimously regard body-line bowling STOP as adopted in some games of the present tour STOP as being opposed to the spirit of cricket STOP and unnecessarily dangerous to players STOP We are deeply concerned that the ideals of the game shall be protected STOP and therefore appoint a sub-committee STOP to report on action necessary to eliminate such bowling from all cricket in Australia from the beginning of next season STOP Will forward copy of committee’s recommendation for your consideration and hope for co-operation in application to all cricket STOP. We do not consider it necessary to cancel remainder of programme. STOP

February 2 1933
MCC to Board of Control

We note with pleasure that you do not consider it necessary to cancel the remainder of the programme STOP and that you are postponing the whole issue until the tour is completed STOP May we accept this is as a clear indication that the good sportsmanship of our team is not in question? STOP We are sure you appreciate how impossible it would be to play any Test in the spirit we all desire unless both sides are satisfied that there is no reflection of their sportsmanship. STOP When your recommendation reaches us it shall receive our most careful consideration and will be submitted to an Imperial Cricket Conference. STOP

February 9 1933
Board of Control to MCC

We do not regard the sportsmanship of your team as being in question. STOP Our position was fully considered at the recent meeting in Sydney STOP and is as indicated in our cable message of January 30 STOP It is the particular class of bowling referred to therein which we consider as not in the best interest of cricket STOP and in this view STOP we understand STOP we are supported by many eminent English cricketers STOP We join heartily with you in hoping STOP that the remaining Tests STOP will be played STOP with the traditional good feeling STOP

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